High Traffic wood flooring
Our selection of wood flooring for high traffic areas
Choose your high traffic wood flooring suitable for areas with heavy foot traffic, such as public buildings, libraries, residential complexes, building entrance halls, shops, bars, or restaurants. Our high traffic wood floors are designed to endure over time and maintain their appearance even after extensive use.
High traffic wood flooring comes in various styles including straight planks, Herringbone, and Chevron patterns, offering flexibility in installation and design.
Choose your high traffic wood floor
Crafted from French oak, renowned for its durability and resistance to wear, our High Traffic wood flooring is available in four plank formats and Chevron designs. Engineered with a minimum 3.4 mm wear layer, they feature finishes such as Bois flotté, Topaze, Café Crème, and Miel, the latter two being our latest warm and inviting creations.
These high traffic wood floors are protected with a lacquer enriched with corundum, the second hardest mineral after diamond, providing three times the durability and abrasion resistance of traditional finishes.
Maintenance is simple with daily vacuuming and monthly cleaning using a lacquered wood floor cleaner and cold water.